Thursday, October 11, 2007

Faber's Laws

There are certain things that should (almost) never be strayed from. Some of these are cheating the audience or unnecessary gore, nudity, etc. Here is where I lay down the law. Of course, not all of these set in stone. Some of these can be bent, or made exception to. Others, although they cheat the audience, can still be in a good, or great movie without ruining said movie.

Why am I including this? A common knowledge of these laws can improve the movie-going experience and learn how to seperate the good movies from the great movies. Many times, a breaking of these laws makes the movie more entertaining for the first viewing, but loses the memorability is used to keep it entertaining for the second and third times you see it. These laws are usually broken for cheap jumps (rather than genuine action), action that wasn't necessary (prolongs the movie and hence deludes the better parts of the movie), and content-based material (instead of plot-based material).

A better understanding will come around when more laws are written. They are in no particular order other than which ones I thought of first and what was on my mind at the time. I will often revise these laws, but also keep the original written law so to remind myself what I was thinking at first.

Red Tie Guy

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